As I dive head first into writing full-fledged android apps, looking at the source code of apps has proven to be very valuable. I’ve found it particularly helpful when learning how to structure my code. Many thanks to all the developers committed to open source! I’ve compiled below a list of great android apps that have gone open source. If there’s any that I’ve missed please let me know in the comments. Astrid Tasks & To-do List A very popular todo list app. Source | Google Play The Official GitHub Client Github walked the walk and open sourced their app on github. Source | Google Play Todo.txt Touch A to-do list app that stores your items as a text file on dropbox Source | Google Play Prey Anti-theft Track down your lost or stolen phone or tablet. Not much of an interface on this app as its purpose is just to send gps data to the prey website, and allow you to control your phone remotely. Source | Google...