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Naskah Drama Timun Mas dalam Bahasa Inggris

A long time ago, there is life wife and husband farmer. They are live in the village near of the jungle. But, they not have a child.

Every day, they had prayed to god to have a child.
Father – Mother    : “YA ALLAH… Give me a child so that we have
Hereditary so that he is to take care of us, so that
Happiness so complete.
One day a giant to pass their house and the giant near pray of the farmer pair and than the Giant given the cucumber grain to them.
Father                  : “Who are you ?” What are you doing have ?
Mother                  : Don’t disturb us !
Giant                     : I am a Giant that live in the jungle of at there.
I don’t want disturb all of you. I just want to asked,                                      “What do you want have a child ?
Father – Mother    : Yes,,,Giant. We want have a child.
Mother                  : Do you can to help us ?
Giant                     : To plant grain this, you want can have a girl child.
Mother                  : Oh…right ?
Giant                     : Right.
Father – Mother    : Thanks Giant.
Giant                     : But, to have condition ?
Father                  : What is that ?
Giant                     : At age 17 years child that you must to give in me ?
Mother                  : Why must like that ?
Giant                     : You not know necessary. “Do you agree condition that
me to give just now”.
The pair farmer ready want to have a child. And than without think anything they are to agree with the condition that the giant give to them.
Father                  : We are to agree.
Giant                     : Take this.
The Giant gone live the farmer and than the pair had to plant the cucumber grain that the Giant give to them.
Mother                  : Lets…we have to plant this cucumber grain.
Father                  : Came on.
Every day they take care of the cucumber grain that growing
Some mount later the cucumber star to lear fruit. The fruit is
color gold.
Mother                  : Father…What at this ? The cucumber is star  to
Father                  : Yes, it is right, the fruit is color gold.
Mother                  : It is fantastic. Color the cucumber fruit is gold not the
cucumber fruit is girl not green.
Father                  : Just OK., don’t think about that. Now we must be take
Care of this plant.
Day after day, the cucumber fruit is so big and big. And than the cucumber fruit is rife, the pair farmer harvest it.
Mother                  : The cucumber fruit is rife. Lets we harvest it.
The pair farmer the ripe cucumber fruit.
Father                  : Now lets we cut it.
Mother                  : Yes, but we must be careful.
They are cut the ripe cucumber fruit with carefully. And now they are to scare what they see a baby in there.
Mother                  : YA ALLAH…it is your gift to us ?
Father                  : Thanks YA ALLAH, you have answered our pray. You
have gave we a child a sweaty girl child.
The pair farmer are so happy.
Mother                  : Now we must be given the make to the baby. What does
the baby name ?
Father                  : What a about Timun Mas.
Mother                  : It is good.
The pair farmer called they baby with name Timun Mas.
Year after year time past away, Timun Mas growing up tobe a beautiful give. Both of her parent are very be proud of her. But, they are very afraid, because this have is Timun Mas 17 year birthday and the Giant will be coming to take her. And the real is me. The Giant is coming to press for agreement to dun being Timun Mas.
Giant                     : Now I am coming to dun to press for our agreement,
To bring Timun Mas with me.
Mother                  : Oh My God, now this. (While Whisper).
Father                  : Just be calm. (While caress of his wife).
Mother                  : I don’t want to, Timun Mas bring to him.
(While whisper).
Father                  : Just be calm, Giant never can to carry Timun Mas.
The farmer that to say just be calm.
Giant                     : Where is Timun Mas ?
Father                  : To wait a moment. Timun Mas was playing, my wife will
To call Timun Mas.
The farmer  was soon to meet his daughter.
Father                  : My daughter take this. (While to give a pocket cloth).
Timun Mas             : What this father ?
Father                  : it’s will be help you to fighted the Giant now run so
Timus Mas to make away. The pair farmer be came so sad can Timun Mas. But they are not willing is they daughter be came to partake of the Giant.
The Giant waiting so long, he is was resigred. He know, that the pair farmer we lied.
Giant                     : Where Timun Mas ?
Father                  : My wife was calling for her, just wait moment.
Giant                     : I am wait here is long time, but Timun Mas wasn’t be
coming. Both of you are lied to me.
The Giant is very angry, he was destroyed the pair farmer’ cottage, and than chase Timus Mas in the jungle.
The Giant was run is chase Timun Mas.
Timun Mas             : Who are you ? Why you follow me ?
Giant                     : I am a Giant, that will be to eat you.
Timun Mas             : What ? Eat me ? You never can’t. (While run away).
The Giant so near. Timun Ma staked a handful at salt from her cloth pocket.
Timun Mas             : Take this ! (While to now me salt to the Giant).
Giant                     ; What this ? Why can  this ? Why can take a sea ?
The Giant compulsory to swimming with so hard.
Timun Mas             : I must be run from the bad Giant (While run away so
Giant                     : Where you go, Timun Mas !
Timun Mas             : (Take our side something from her cloth pocket).
Take this…! (to know a handful chili).
When Timun Mas to trow chili in the direction of the Giant. Suddenly the Giant closed in the branch and sharp thorn. The Giant was screamed, me is trouble.
Giant                     : What this ? ray body so sick. How dare you Timun Mas,
I catch. You can run away from me.
Timun Mas             : The tried it, if you can. (Run away, do save her self).
Giant                     : Where are you going ?
(nearly catched Timun Mas).
Timun Mas             : Now take this. (To sow the magic cucumber grain).
At the very moment to grow very broad cucumber garden. The Giant is very tired and to go hungry, and than he eating that cucumber fruit with greedy.
Giant                     : I am very tired, the is a cucumber garden. It is
accident. I am very hungry (while eating the cucumber
Waaaaahhhh…I am so sleepy (The Giant is sleep).
Timun Mas             : I must be run away so speed so that the Giant can’t
catch me.
Timun  Mas, run away with all one’s might. But, at last her power was finished at an end, And so misfortune, because the Giant get up from her sleep.
Giant                     : Ha ha ha…you can’t go anywhere again Timun Mas.
Timun Mas             : How this ? (Timun Mas very afraid).
Oh ya…I still have a weapon a shrimp paste. Dead you
Giant bad.
(To throw a handful a shrimp paste).
It’s happened the miracle again, a mud lake that very broad was spreaded. The Giant sunk away in there.
Giant                     : Timun Mas. (It is head nearly so reach out Timun Mas).
Timun Mas             : What are doing to me.
Now dead you a badly Giant, you never can chase and eat
me anymore.
The mud lake to draw the Giant into a bottom of mud lake, The Giant was panic. She can’t to sigh and than down.
Timun Mas was be spacious. Now she was save.
Timun Mas             : Alhamdulillah, thanks god finally I can save from she
Badly Giant. (While to drag hear breath). I want to go
Home. I am not resigned anymore. I want to meet
mother and father.
Timun Mas was coming to her parent’s home. Both up her parent’s are very happy to see mat Timun Mas was saved from the Giant. They are receive welcome her.
Timun Mas             : Father…Mother.
Mother                  : Timun Mas, my daughter…
Father                  : Say daughter, at last you save from the Giant.
Timun Mas             : It’s because of ALLAH,  that always to SHELTHER of
me and because of the cloth pocket that both of you
give to me.
Mother                  : Thanks YA ALLAH, you have saved my daughter.
(Embraced Timun Mas).
Since that time Timun Mas have the rest life with her parent’s. They are happy without anxiety anymore.



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