Photos Prison Artalyta Syriac
A number of rooms in the office building, which is located within the crease is, should the building for office workers crease, transformed into a luxurious private room which used some sort of prisoner convicted of bribery cases and convicted Syriac Arthalyta lifetime drug cases, Limarita.
"I had just heard the news there luxurious facilities granted to certain prisoners, but only now I see. Was much more remarkable. Earlier we saw the same, even had Limarita room karaoke room khususyang so luxurious, "said task force member, Yunus Husein, laughing.
Photos Prison Artalyta Syriac
A number of rooms in the office building, which is located within the crease is, should the building for office workers crease, transformed into a luxurious private room which used some sort of prisoner convicted of bribery cases and convicted Syriac Arthalyta lifetime drug cases, Limarita.
"I had just heard the news there luxurious facilities granted to certain prisoners, but only now I see. Was much more remarkable. Earlier we saw the same, even had Limarita room karaoke room khususyang so luxurious, "said task force member, Yunus Husein, laughing., newspaper jogja, fjb, gossip
treatment from a specialist SKIN
Jonah with two other task force members, Denny Indrayana and Mas Achmad Santosa, come one at a luxurious room and asked them to talk. Arthalyta room luxury property located on the third floor of the building and the first turn they visit. As task force members and reporters arrived, were undergoing treatment Arthalyta face of a medical specialist with special equipment in the room.
Meanwhile, Limarita room on the second floor. In observation of Kompas, the outsider would certainly not think that the room in an office building is "converted" into the custody room luxury amenities a five star hotel equivalent. This is because the building is actually functioning as an office building and is located separately from the building blocks in the crease selyang it.
Total block of cells that have amounted to five blocks, filled with jostling by at least 1172 inmates.
Luxury facilities in each room are both air-conditioning equipment, flat-screen television brands, sound equipment and home theater, refrigerators and dispensers, and the Blackberry mobile phone brands.
Special room karaoke
Limarita living there in a special room for karaoke. Two rooms equipped with a set of plush leather furniture and beds. In the room there are several kinds Arthalyta children's games and a crib and an adult.
Limarita acknowledge all the luxury facilities that have purchased their own in the office and then submitted as a Women's Darma the crease.
When entering the building will house arrest, the task force members and a number of journalists who had had almost locked horns with a number of detention officers. (DWA)
This is a Luxury Prison Photos Artalyta Suryani The Koruptor in Rutan Pondok Bambu
Taken from :
Sejumlah ruangan di dalam gedung perkantoran, yang berada di dalam kompleks rutan tersebut, seharusnya gedung untuk perkantoran petugas rutan, disulap menjadi ruang pribadi mewah yang dipakai beberapa narapidana semacam terpidana kasus suap Arthalyta Suryani dan terpidana seumur hidup kasus narkoba, Limarita.
”Tadinya saya cuma dengar kabar ada fasilitas mewah diberikan kepada narapidana tertentu, tapi baru sekarang saya lihat sendiri. Ternyata jauh lebih luar biasa. Tadi kami lihat sama-sama, ruangan Limarita malah punya ruang karaoke khususyang begitu mewah,” ujar anggota satgas, Yunus Husein, tertawa.
perawatan dari dokter spesialis KULIT
Yunus bersama dua anggota satgas lain, Denny Indrayana dan Mas Ahmad Santosa, mendatangi satu per satu ruangan mewah itu dan mengajak keduanya bicara. Ruangan mewah milik Arthalyta berada di lantai tiga gedung dan mendapat giliran pertama yang mereka kunjungi. Saat para anggota satgas dan wartawan tiba, Arthalyta tengah menjalani perawatan wajah dari seorang dokter spesialis dengan peralatan khusus di dalam ruangan itu.
Sementara itu, ruang Limarita berada di lantai dua. Dalam pengamatan Kompas, orang luar dipastikan tidak akan menyangka bahwa ruangan di gedung perkantoran tersebut ”dialihfungsikan” menjadi ruang tahanan mewah,yang fasilitasnya setara hotel bintang lima. Hal itu karena bangunannya sebetulnya berfungsi sebagai gedung perkantoran dan letaknya terpisah dari bangunan blok-blok selyang ada di rutan tersebut.
Total blok sel yang ada berjumlah lima blok, yang diisi berdesak-desakan oleh sedikitnya 1.172 narapidana.
Fasilitas mewah yang ada di setiap ruangan keduanya adalah alat penyejuk ruangan, pesawat televisi layar datar merek terkenal, perlengkapan tata suara dan home theatre, lemari pendingin dan dispenser, serta telepon genggam merek Blackberry.
Ruang khusus karaoke
Di ruang Limarita terdapat ruang khusus untuk karaoke. Dua ruangannya dilengkapi seperangkat furnitur mewah dari kulit dan tempat tidur. Di kamar Arthalyta terdapat beberapa macam permainan anak-anak dan tempat tidur bayi dan dewasa.
Limarita mengakui semua fasilitas barang mewah yang ada di ruangannya dibelinya sendiri dan kemudian diserahkan sebagai milik Darma Wanita rutan tersebut.
Saat akan memasuki gedung rumah tahanan, para anggota satuan tugas dan sejumlah wartawan yang ikut sempat nyaris bersitegang dengan sejumlah petugas rumah tahanan. (DWA)
Inilah Foto Penjara Mewah Artalyta Suryani Sang Koruptor di Rutan Pondok Bambu
A number of rooms in the office building, which is located within the crease is, should the building for office workers crease, transformed into a luxurious private room which used some sort of prisoner convicted of bribery cases and convicted Syriac Arthalyta lifetime drug cases, Limarita.
"I had just heard the news there luxurious facilities granted to certain prisoners, but only now I see. Was much more remarkable. Earlier we saw the same, even had Limarita room karaoke room khususyang so luxurious, "said task force member, Yunus Husein, laughing.
Photos Prison Artalyta Syriac
A number of rooms in the office building, which is located within the crease is, should the building for office workers crease, transformed into a luxurious private room which used some sort of prisoner convicted of bribery cases and convicted Syriac Arthalyta lifetime drug cases, Limarita.
"I had just heard the news there luxurious facilities granted to certain prisoners, but only now I see. Was much more remarkable. Earlier we saw the same, even had Limarita room karaoke room khususyang so luxurious, "said task force member, Yunus Husein, laughing., newspaper jogja, fjb, gossip
treatment from a specialist SKIN
Jonah with two other task force members, Denny Indrayana and Mas Achmad Santosa, come one at a luxurious room and asked them to talk. Arthalyta room luxury property located on the third floor of the building and the first turn they visit. As task force members and reporters arrived, were undergoing treatment Arthalyta face of a medical specialist with special equipment in the room.
Meanwhile, Limarita room on the second floor. In observation of Kompas, the outsider would certainly not think that the room in an office building is "converted" into the custody room luxury amenities a five star hotel equivalent. This is because the building is actually functioning as an office building and is located separately from the building blocks in the crease selyang it.
Total block of cells that have amounted to five blocks, filled with jostling by at least 1172 inmates.
Luxury facilities in each room are both air-conditioning equipment, flat-screen television brands, sound equipment and home theater, refrigerators and dispensers, and the Blackberry mobile phone brands.
Special room karaoke
Limarita living there in a special room for karaoke. Two rooms equipped with a set of plush leather furniture and beds. In the room there are several kinds Arthalyta children's games and a crib and an adult.
Limarita acknowledge all the luxury facilities that have purchased their own in the office and then submitted as a Women's Darma the crease.
When entering the building will house arrest, the task force members and a number of journalists who had had almost locked horns with a number of detention officers. (DWA)
This is a Luxury Prison Photos Artalyta Suryani The Koruptor in Rutan Pondok Bambu
Taken from :
Sejumlah ruangan di dalam gedung perkantoran, yang berada di dalam kompleks rutan tersebut, seharusnya gedung untuk perkantoran petugas rutan, disulap menjadi ruang pribadi mewah yang dipakai beberapa narapidana semacam terpidana kasus suap Arthalyta Suryani dan terpidana seumur hidup kasus narkoba, Limarita.
”Tadinya saya cuma dengar kabar ada fasilitas mewah diberikan kepada narapidana tertentu, tapi baru sekarang saya lihat sendiri. Ternyata jauh lebih luar biasa. Tadi kami lihat sama-sama, ruangan Limarita malah punya ruang karaoke khususyang begitu mewah,” ujar anggota satgas, Yunus Husein, tertawa.
perawatan dari dokter spesialis KULIT
Yunus bersama dua anggota satgas lain, Denny Indrayana dan Mas Ahmad Santosa, mendatangi satu per satu ruangan mewah itu dan mengajak keduanya bicara. Ruangan mewah milik Arthalyta berada di lantai tiga gedung dan mendapat giliran pertama yang mereka kunjungi. Saat para anggota satgas dan wartawan tiba, Arthalyta tengah menjalani perawatan wajah dari seorang dokter spesialis dengan peralatan khusus di dalam ruangan itu.
Sementara itu, ruang Limarita berada di lantai dua. Dalam pengamatan Kompas, orang luar dipastikan tidak akan menyangka bahwa ruangan di gedung perkantoran tersebut ”dialihfungsikan” menjadi ruang tahanan mewah,yang fasilitasnya setara hotel bintang lima. Hal itu karena bangunannya sebetulnya berfungsi sebagai gedung perkantoran dan letaknya terpisah dari bangunan blok-blok selyang ada di rutan tersebut.
Total blok sel yang ada berjumlah lima blok, yang diisi berdesak-desakan oleh sedikitnya 1.172 narapidana.
Fasilitas mewah yang ada di setiap ruangan keduanya adalah alat penyejuk ruangan, pesawat televisi layar datar merek terkenal, perlengkapan tata suara dan home theatre, lemari pendingin dan dispenser, serta telepon genggam merek Blackberry.
Ruang khusus karaoke
Di ruang Limarita terdapat ruang khusus untuk karaoke. Dua ruangannya dilengkapi seperangkat furnitur mewah dari kulit dan tempat tidur. Di kamar Arthalyta terdapat beberapa macam permainan anak-anak dan tempat tidur bayi dan dewasa.
Limarita mengakui semua fasilitas barang mewah yang ada di ruangannya dibelinya sendiri dan kemudian diserahkan sebagai milik Darma Wanita rutan tersebut.
Saat akan memasuki gedung rumah tahanan, para anggota satuan tugas dan sejumlah wartawan yang ikut sempat nyaris bersitegang dengan sejumlah petugas rumah tahanan. (DWA)
Inilah Foto Penjara Mewah Artalyta Suryani Sang Koruptor di Rutan Pondok Bambu
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